Virgin Velocity

Enter Redeveloped Virgin Airlines

Velocity Frequent Flyer - Sign Up Webpage
Web Design and Technologies
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JQuery
November 2015

Additional Information

The Original Website with all the working features
May Be Found Here (Please click on the text)

Well... With this unit I had a gigantic problem, as I may be really stubborn at times, I heavily messed up my first and then second assignments, which were as following: wireframes and, as I recall, a mid-fi concept. Similarly to 3D Modelling project, I just had problems at the very beginning of the year and then I realised, that, well, obviously I usually designed webpages in a different fashion, by just writing lines of code for the damn thing, having already envisioned what it could look like. But no, times have changed, now there are different ways, that I did not really use so far and did not plan on using.

So, I woke up in the middle of the semester, neck deep in water, figuring out that if I perform below a credit on my last assignment, I just may fail in a unit that I actually have some decent knowledge in. Around 2 weeks of extremely heavy load, basically working like crazy to fit in certain, little more advanced components (at the time), such as making use of facebook profile information and google maps autofill. I tried constructing a compact sign up website, which presumably wouldn't require the user to put much of an effort. Just click here and here and all you'll have to do is type in your mobile number, password, security question, agree to terms and conditions and that's it!

How about some more information? Well, at the bottom of this page you may find everything that you may need to learn. The sign up button will trigger capturing of all the information you filled in, potentially making it useful for proper data collection via an actual database.

Also, it is responsive. Mobile friendly. And the code is well documented. I received a distinction for that project and saved my unit from failing it altogether. Still, it does hurt that I performed so badly in the recent assignments, as the final mark does not reflect my skills in web design.